
Children with chickens


Girl brushing horse

AALS & EAL Therapeutics

Horseback riding


Girl riding horse

Horsemanship Lessons

Child with horse

Little Buckaroos

Girl holding chicken

Parties & Events


Join our TRAK family!

Become a member of TRAK today and enjoy the magic of getting up close and personal with our animal family.

Membership Benefits

Unlimited Visits

All members get unlimited visits during Member Hours and have the option to bring as many guests whenever during our member hours.

Exclusive Access

All TRAK members have exclusive access to our Horsemanship Riding and Buckaroo riding programs. Receive early access for Summer Camp Registration!

Special Discounts

Members receive discounts for classes, birthday parties, and more!

Current Member Hours:

Weekdays: 7 AM – 11 AM and 4 PM – 6 PM

Weekends: 7 AM – 11 AM and 4 PM – 6 PM

Two easy steps to sign up for a family membership


Annual Membership: $120.00 Per year






TRAK has multiple partnerships with other local non-profits organizations in which TRAK brings animals and kids from the program out to support these communities and organizations in Tucson!

  • TMC children’s clinic
  • Ronald McDonald house
  • Hand Maker Adventure bus
  • Hope Bridge
  • Southern Arizona Down Syndrome Network
  • Autism Society of Southern Arizona
  • Davis Monthan Air Force Base

Service visits and our community outreach visits are conducted by our staff as well as our youth/adult volunteers who have been trained to be animal handlers and can share their experiences with other community members. If you are interested in setting up a partnership for community outreach with TRAK please reach out to us today!

FIELD TRIPS & Traveling petting Zoo

Field Trips:

We welcome visitors to the ranch from independent living facilities, schools, tour groups, behavioral health programs, and more! 

We also have specialized curriculums for playgroups, schools and homeschool groups depending on their age! To schedule your group, please contact us ( Each guest must sign a registration and waiver form to participate. 

Registration and Waiver Form

TRAK Will Travel to Your School, Classroom, or Event, Too!

Animal Friends School Programs

How far can a rabbit hop? Why does a pig roll in the mud? How can you tell if a horse is happy? What does it mean to be a predator or prey animal? These questions and many others will be answered in our Animal Friends hands-on programs. Children will learn a variety of information ranging from the diet and required care for these animals to behaviors and interesting facts. The TRAK animal family enjoys traveling to schools and being a part of this educational and fun experience. Please contact us for more information.

Travelling Petting Zoo

We offer both small and large travelling petting zoo options:

Small: $150 + $50 setup fee

Large: $250 + $50 setup fee

Both travelling petting zoo options include our travelling fenced in area along with various animals from our ranch. They are conducted by our staff as well as our youth/adult volunteers who have been trained to be animal handlers and can share their experiences with other community members. 

Please reach out to for any inquiries on travelling petting zoos.  

Tiny Trailblazers

Now Offering Tiny Trailblazers for 2024!

Tiny Trailblazers Payment and Registration

Tiny Trailblazers takes children ages 18 months through 5 years old on an adventure at our ranch located in the heart of Tucson! Children learn how to interact with our small animal family and even get to meet our horses face to face!-

Classes are offered seasonally. Each session is 5 weeks long, teaching children about each of the animals that we have here at TRAK! Each class is one-hour long complete with an animal lesson, craft, story time, snack and plenty of animal interaction! We invite Moms, Dads, Grandparents, and caregivers to enjoy time with their precious little trailblazers on the ranch experiencing TRAK Magic!

**Registration is now Open**

Session begins Saturday, January 11th at 1:30 pm

1 Hour per session, 5 Weeks of classes!

Tell your friends to join in on the fun!

**Our rates will stay at $125 for non-members , and $95 for members**

Please follow these steps in order to sign up for Tiny Trailblazers:

1. Fill out Tiny Trailblazers Registration Form:

Tiny Trailblazers


TRAK offers popular school break camps all year long! All of our camps include horseback riding, hands-on animal care lessons, and experiencing ranch life right here in Tucson, Arizona! 

Camp activities include:

  • Arts and Crafts

  • Animal care such as cleaning, washing, doctoring, feeding, and more!

  • Watermelon eating contest .vs. the pigs

  • Making ice cream with goats milk!

  • Water Play

  • Horseback riding and Relay races!

  • Educational sessions about our farm animals

Spring Break Camp   

March 10th – March 14th

March 17th – March 21st

March 24th – March 28th

8:30AM – 1:30 PM

Ages 5-14 

1 week of camp:

Member rate: $400

Non-Member rate: $425

Monday – Friday

Please be aware that we will be running camp all 5 days. If you are unable to make a day please email

Please complete these steps to register for Spring Break Camp!

Summer Break Camp Sign Up  

Session 1 – MAY 26th – MAY 30th (Slots Available)

Session 2 – JUNE 2nd – JUNE 6th (Slots Available)

Session 3 – JUNE 9th – JUNE 13th (Slots Available)

Session 4 – JUNE 16th – JUNE 2Oth (Slots Available)

Session 5 – JUNE 23rd – JUNE 27th (Slots Available)

Session 6 – JUNE 30th – JULY 4th (Slots Available)

Session 7 – JULY 7th – JULY 11th (Slots Available)

Session 8 – JULY 14th – JULY 18th (Slots Available)

Session 9 – JULY 21st –  JULY 25th (Slots Available)

Session 10 – JULY 28th – AUGUST 1st (Slots Available)

7 AM – 12:00 PM

Ages 5-14 

1 week of camp:

Member rate: $375

Non-Member rate: $400

Monday – Friday

Please be aware that we will be running camp all 5 days. If you are unable to make a day please email

Please complete these steps to register for Spring Break Camp!




    • $375 DONATION

Birthday Parties

Our celebration area is perfect for Birthdays, Groups and More!

Have a party at the ranch…

Share your child’s birthday with 2 and 4-legged furry and feathered friends at the ranch. The TRAK animals love birthday parties and they are eager to help your child celebrate!

Your TRAK birthday party includes:

  • 1.5 hours of supervised open animal interactions
  • Hand-led horse rides
  • Party professionals
  • Park-like, private area with ramada, benches and animal interaction enclosure. The party area also has a mister system and fans to keep cool.

All parties are held on Sunday mornings and afternoons. 

Parties are $400

Party Time Choices:

Sundays: 9am – 11am    12pm – 2pm     3pm – 5pm

The MAXIMUM CAPACITY in our birthday party area is 45 GUESTS (kids and adults included)

All birthday parties include hand-led horse rides, private petting zoo and our Birthday Party Coordinator at your party! 

Please Note:
ALL guests (Children and adults) must wear closed toed shoes. It is not safe to be on the ranch without proper footwear. Anyone coming to a party without proper shoes will not be allowed to participate in areas with animals.


Payment in full is required to secure your date and time. Call to reserve your party today! ** Please note ~ Birthday parties are non-refundable.

Ranch Projects

We love to have you complete projects with us here at the Ranch! If you are interested in completing a project at TRAK, please fill out this form!

Little Buckaroos


$35 Horse Riding Lesson

Little Buckaroos gives the little one in your life that “first time” riding experience! Our Little Buckaroo lessons are a 30 minute lesson for children ages 4-7, designed to teach horse safety on and off the horse, body positioning, and communication with the horse. Children of all abilities will learn new horsemanship skills including walking, turning, and even trotting and simple barrel patterns- all of this gearing them up for horsemanship riding lessons at age 8! (There is no ground horsemanship during these 30 minutes)

Is your Little Buckaroo ready to get started? Great! Here are a few things to remember before you get started:

  • All Buckaroo riders MUST have a TRAK Family Membership to participate in lessons.

  • Please make sure your child is 4 years old. If you do have any concerns or questions about their ability to ride, please call our office at 520.298.9808.

  • All Buckaroo riders MUST wear long pants


3250 E. Allen Rd. Tucson, AZ 85718

NOTICE: When you come to TRAK, you MUST only park along Edith Blvd.
Parking is not permitted anywhere else.

TRAK logo white

© Copyright TRAK Therapeutic Ranch for Animals & Kids

Website by CS Design Studios

Business Hours:

Mon - Sun: 8 AM - 2 PM

Member Hours:

Mon - Sun: 8 AM - 12 PM  and  3:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Closed New Year's Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas

TRAK is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit program focused on children with and without specific challenges.